Two boys play together in the backyard. Their innocent game escalates into a real battle, until they hear a familiar sound.
Shell and mortar fire rain down on a muddy battlefield littered with barbed wire entanglements and craters. But the battle takes an unexpected twist when two soldiers meet in no-man's-land...
Piggy bank welcomes his new friend Mr. Rabbit into his home. Fund-raiser campaign by Belgian radiostation Q-music to help underprivileged children.
A parody on western movies for Lotus Biscuits. We see a human hand dueling against an animated coffee cup over a Lotus biscuit. Guess who gets the biscuit first?
What if you're young and unemployed? How can you gain the right experience? Get an internship and learn from someone who's finishing his career.
Mia (°2013) is a 9 minutes short written and directed by young talent Wouter Bongaerts. It tells the story of a little girl who wants to liberate her overworked mother from the clutches of an overpopulated metropolis.
Dutch agency Doom & Dickson liked our portfolio and gave us a brief for their client Staatsloterij. This resulted in these cute 3D fish going for the big bait.